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Pandas | merge_ordered method

schedule Aug 12, 2023
Last updated
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Pandas merge_ordered(~) method joins two DataFrames with the option to perform filling or interpolation.


1. leftlink | DataFrame

The left DataFrame to perform the join on.

2. rightlink | DataFrame

The right DataFrame to perform the join on.

3. on | string or list

The label of the columns to join on.


The on parameter is there only for convenience. If the columns to join on have different labels, then you must specify left_on and right_on.

4. left_onlink | string or array-like

The label of the column in left to perform join on.

5. right_onlink | string or array-like

The label of the column in right to perform join on.

6. left_bylink | string or list<string>

The label(s) of the columns in left to "expand" on. See example below for clarification.

7. right_by | string or list<string>

The label(s) of the columns in right to "expand" on. See example below for clarification.

8. fill_methodlink | string or None | optional

How to fill NaN in the merged DataFrame:




Use the previous non-NaN value to fill.


Leave NaN as is.

By default, fill_method=None.

9. suffixeslink | tuple of (string, string) | optional

The suffix names to append to the duplicate column labels in the resulting DataFrame. You can also pass a single None instead of a string in suffixes to indicate that the left or right column label should be left as is. By default, suffixes=("_x", "_y").

10. howlink | string | optional

The type of join to perform:




All rows from the source DataFrame will be present in the resulting DataFrame. This is the SQL equivalent of a left-join.


All rows from the right DataFrame will be present in the resulting DataFrame. This is the SQL equivalent of a right-join.


All rows from the source and right DataFrame will be present in the resulting DataFrame. This is the SQL equivalent of an outer-join.


All rows that have matching values in both the source and right DataFrame will be present in the resulting DataFrame. This is the SQL equivalent to inner-join.

By default, how="outer".

Here's the classic Venn Diagram illustrating the differences:

Return Value

A merged DataFrame.


Basic usage

Consider a shop with some data about their products and customers:

df_products = pd.DataFrame({"product": ["computer", "smartphone", "headphones"],
"bought_by": ["bob", "alex", "david"]},
df_customers = pd.DataFrame({"name":["alex","bob","cathy"], "age":[10, 20, 30]})
[df_products] | [df_customers]
product bought_by | name age
A computer bob | 0 alex 10
B smartphone alex | 1 bob 20
C headphones david | 2 cathy 30

To perform an outer join on two DataFrames based on columns bought_by and name:

pd.merge_ordered(df_products, df_customers, left_on="bought_by", right_on="name", how="outer")
product bought_by name age
0 smartphone alex alex 10.0
1 computer bob bob 20.0
2 NaN NaN cathy 30.0
3 headphones david NaN NaN

Specifying fill_method

Unlike merge(~), merge_ordered(~) allows to fill missing values that arise due to the join.

Again, consider the same DataFrames as above:

[df_products] | [df_customers]
product bought_by | name age
A computer bob | 0 alex 10
B smartphone alex | 1 bob 20
C headphones david | 2 cathy 30

By default, fill_method=None, which means that the resulting NaN are left as is:

pd.merge_ordered(df_products, df_customers, left_on="bought_by", right_on="name", how="outer")
product bought_by name age
0 smartphone alex alex 10.0
1 computer bob bob 20.0
2 NaN NaN cathy 30.0
3 headphones david NaN NaN

To fill those NaN, set fill_method="ffill" like so:

pd.merge_ordered(df_products, df_customers, left_on="bought_by", right_on="name", how="outer", fill_method="ffill")
product bought_by name age
0 smartphone alex alex 10
1 computer bob bob 20
2 computer bob cathy 30
3 headphones david cathy 30

Notice how all the NaN are filled with the previous non-NaN value.


Note that this example is just to illustrate how the filling works - we will never perform such fillings. A practical use case of this filling logic is reserved mainly for Time-series when it makes more sense to fill with the previously recorded datetime.

Specifying left_by

Let us use the same example as above:

[df_products] | [df_customers]
product bought_by | name age
A computer bob | 0 alex 10
B smartphone alex | 1 bob 20
C headphones david | 2 cathy 30

By default, left_by=None, which means that resulting DataFrame is constructed using a traditional join:

pd.merge_ordered(df_products, df_customers, left_on="bought_by", right_on="name", how="outer")
product bought_by name age
0 smartphone alex alex 10.0
1 computer bob bob 20.0
2 NaN NaN cathy 30.0
3 headphones david NaN NaN

Setting left_by="product" will repeat each product item for every row in the joined key (bought_by):

pd.merge_ordered(df_products, df_customers, left_on="bought_by", right_on="name", how="outer", left_by="product")
product bought_by age name
0 computer NaN 10.0 alex
1 computer bob 20.0 bob
2 computer NaN 30.0 cathy
3 smartphone alex 10.0 alex
4 smartphone NaN 20.0 bob
5 smartphone NaN 30.0 cathy
6 headphones NaN 10.0 alex
7 headphones NaN 20.0 bob
8 headphones NaN 30.0 cathy
9 headphones david NaN NaN

Specifying suffixes

Consider the following DataFrames:

df_products = pd.DataFrame({"product": ["computer", "smartphone", "headphones"],
"age": [7,8,9],
"bought_by": ["bob", "alex", "bob"]},
df_customers = pd.DataFrame({"name":["alex","bob","cathy"], "age":[10, 20, 30]})
[df_products] | [df_customers]
product age bought_by | name age
A computer 7 bob | 0 alex 10
B smartphone 8 alex | 1 bob 20
C headphones 9 david | 2 cathy 30

Notice how the two DataFrames have an overlapping column label - age.

By default, suffixes=("_x","_y"), which means that if the merged DataFrame has overlapping column labels, then the suffix "_x" will be appended to the overlapping column label of the left DataFrame, and "_y" to the right DataFrame:

pd.merge_ordered(df_products, df_customers, left_on="bought_by", right_on="name", how="outer")
product age_x bought_by name age_y
0 smartphone 8.0 alex alex 10
1 computer 7.0 bob bob 20

We can specify our own suffixes like so:

pd.merge_ordered(df_products, df_customers, left_on="bought_by", right_on="name", how="outer", suffixes=["_A","_B"])
product age_A bought_by name age_B
0 smartphone 8.0 alex alex 10
1 computer 7.0 bob bob 20

You can also pass a None instead of a string to indicate that the left or right column label should be left as is:

pd.merge_ordered(df_products, df_customers, left_on="bought_by", right_on="name", how="outer", suffixes=[None,"_B"])
product age bought_by name age_B
0 smartphone 8.0 alex alex 10
1 computer 7.0 bob bob 20
Published by Isshin Inada
Edited by 0 others
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